DENSO Robotics Online Expo 2020

DENSO Robotics Online Expo 2020


Unsere Highlights:

  • Neue Roboter und Software-Lösungen

  • Geführter Standrundgang und Live-Demonstrationen

  • Tägliche Fachvorträge und Präsentationen der Ausstellungs-Applikationen inkl.  Leistungen und Einsatzmöglichkeiten

  • Unser Sales-Team freut sich auf das persönliche Gespräch mit Ihnen!


Every Day Presentations and Live Demonstration Tour! (CET time)

09:00  -    10:00       Live ! Demonstration tour

10:00    -    10:30      Presentation: New VM and new VL robot 
10:30    -     11:00       Presentation: WINCAPS Plus
11:00     -     11:30       Presentation: EVP2 (Easy Vision Picking)
11:30     -     12:00      Presentation: Artificial Intelligence for Robots in General- Purpose Applications

13:00    -     13:30       Presentation: New VM and new VL robot
13:30    -     14:00       Presentation: WINCAPS Plus
14:00    -    14:30        Presentation: EVP2 (Easy Vision Picking)
14:30    -    15:00        Presentation: Artificial Intelligence for Robots in General- Purpose Applications

15:00     -   16:00         Live! Demonstration tour* 
                                            (*This tour will not be held on Saturday July 18, 15:00-16:00 CET.)



Free registration:


If you have any organizational or content-related questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Tel: +49 (0) 6105 27 35 150



DENSO Robotics Europe Team